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Chloe Franklin

Let's talk about Wrapping

One of the easiest things you can do to make your Christmas more sustainable is reducing your wrapping. Most wrapping paper brought around Christmas time cannot be recycled due to additions of glitter, foiling, printing etc. so whilst it may look lovely- there are much more sustainable (and just as lovely) ways to display those gifts! If you really must use wrapping paper, try and find something that can or has been recycled.

A good way to know if a paper can be recycled is the scrunch test. If you scrunch it up and it remains in a ball it can probably be recycled!

Some not-so-festive facts...

In the UK 108 million rolls of wrapping paper are binned every Christmas!

227,000 miles of wrapping paper in the UK alone!
The amount of wrapping paper used at Christmas is enough to go around the world 9 times!

Here are some ideas to help make your wrapping more sustainable this year...

Fabric Wrapping

Using a scarf, shirt or even a pillow case can be a great, reusable alternative to wrapping paper. It can even double up as an extra present (maybe not so much the bedding…).

Here we used a pocket square (fancy a I know!).

  • Begin with a square of fabric pointing with a corner towards you.

  • Place the gift in the centre, square on.

  • Fold the top corner over the box, following with the bottom - be sure to tuck the edge in to make it nice and neat.

  • Fold the sides into neat corners around the box, grabbing both loose ends and tying in a bow or knot.

  • Make sure everything is tucked in and give your bow or knot a little fluff!

Reusing your old stock

We don’t suggest going full Monica and ironing your last years gift wrap, but anything that’s not been torn apart can be a great way to use up what you have left over.

Even if it’s just the scraps, cut it and make it into a decorative bow or gift tag!

Nature is your best decoration

To really amp up those pretty parcels under the tree head out into nature and forage!

Leaves, pinecones and small twigs all make beautiful little decorations to adorn your gifts with and can be popped straight onto the compost pile afterwards! Try to make sure only to grab things that have already fallen from the trees or bushes- and maybe watch out for dog poop!

The lazy choice

We're all guilty of it, "Just shove it in a gift bag" you cry as you sprint out the door to a last minute Christmas party!

Well, not only is it easy, but it's so much more likely to be reused! You can find beautiful, tote style canvas bottle bags like these( Word Up!

Pop a note on the gift tag attached asking the new owner to reuse. After all, a bag is for life, not just for Christmas.

Tag us in your sustainable, festive creations on...

Instagram @openkitchenphm

Twitter @openkitchenmcr


18 bình luận

التعليم الروحي تحت إشراف شيخ روحاني

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